How To Search For High Resolution Images On Google
🕐 1 Jul 23
In this article we will show you how to search for high resolution images on google in Google, users can search for a variety of images of distinct sizes which range from small to large. It becomes very frustrating to spend long hours and not be able to find anything of good quality for your projects.
Including high-resolution images on your project gives a more clean look to your document for the project.
However, it is very important to include high-resolution images for online projects or other assignments.
In case you are looking for a solution on how to search for high-resolution images on Google, this is the right article for you.
Step By Step Guide On How To Search For High Resolution Images On Google :-
- Open Google Chrome on your PC.
- Now type the term in the search field for which you require high-resolution images on Google.
- The Google search engine will display the results according to the term you have to search for.
- Click the images tab placed at the top right corner of the Google homepage.
A detailed menu will appear just below the search bar where you can see images, video, Books, news, And more.
- Click the option of tools placed just below the search bar at the right corner of the screen.
- It will show more options named size, color, type, time, and usage rights.
- Click the downward arrow next to the option size.
- The size tab includes many options including large, medium, Any size, and Icon.
Select the option- large From the drop-down list. It will display only large-size images and eliminate all the small ones from the search page.
- After selecting the size of the images too large you need to move your cursor over different images on the Google homepage.
- You can pick up a specific photo and view its resolution written on the bottom left corner of the image.
As you can see in the picture given below we have searched for high-resolution images of six crows on Google.
- You must know fact that the size of the image must be over 300 pixels per inch in order to get high-resolution images.
Conclusion :-
I hope this article on how to search for high resolution images on google helps you in this article, we covered an essential guide and after reading the above steps you can now easily search for high-resolution images on Google on your system and the steps mentioned above are called detailed and easy to follow.