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How To Reset Twitter Password Without Email Or Phone Number

🕐 1 Jul 23

How To Reset Twitter Password Without Email Or Phone Number

In this article we will show you how to reset Twitter password without email or phone number, Twitter is one of the most popular Social media platforms in today’s era of digital world.

It has huge amount of users and mostly the politically exposed person’s use this social media platform to share their ideas and opinions.

On twitter you have access to all breaking news, entertainment, sports, politics and everything in-between! It is easy to use and accessible to any individuals.

In this social application you can write or tweet your ideas and opinions on any topic. there’s a lot of other things that you can perform of twitter and share it with all over the world in one click.

Not only this twitter has some special features like you can trend hashtag’s and to use these amazing features it has huge user base. Many popular celebrities are on twitter because they know that on Twitter, they can easily tweet their views and influence their fans and their followers.

So, this is some basic information about the Twitter platform. Now here we are going to talk about a very basic problem that we all had faced and that problem is how to reset our twitter account password without having email or phone number.

So, here I’ll demonstrate how can you solve this problem in very simple steps. Now let’s see how we can solve this issue.

Step By Step Guide On How To Reset Twitter Password Without Email Or Phone Number :-

  • Open Twitter application on your device. And there you’ll find Log in option in downright corner of your screen. Tap on it

    How To Reset Twitter Password Without Email Or Phone Number

  • Here, on this page we don’t remember our login credentials so, we simply tap on Forgot password.

    How To Reset Twitter Password Without Email Or Phone Number

  • Now, here you need to find your account by putting your email id, phone no or if you at least remember your username in that blank box. And tap on search.

    How To Reset Twitter Password Without Email Or Phone Number

  • Now you’ll see your twitter account and there you can reset your password with the help of your email id or phone no. if you have already enrolled with your twitter account. But in our scenario, we do not have access to our email or phone no. so, we need to tap on Don’t have access to these.

    How To Reset Twitter Password Without Email Or Phone Number

  • After this you may be redirect to the help centre of twitter or if not then simply click on the given link below and you’ll reach on help page and now here all you need to search yourself by putting your username in the blank box and tap on search

    How To Reset Twitter Password Without Email Or Phone Number

  • Here, you have to provide any new email id where they can contact you and solve your account related problems. So, just fill an email address and type your problem in the description box. So that they can understand your problems and help you in resetting your Twitter account password. After that you need to tap on continue.

    How To Reset Twitter Password Without Email Or Phone Number

  • Now, just scroll down you screen and there you will find google reCAPTCHA. And you have to pass that challenge which proves that you’re a human not a robot. And after passing it, you need to simply tap on Submit. And here you’re done!

    How To Reset Twitter Password Without Email Or Phone Number

    How To Reset Twitter Password Without Email Or Phone Number

Conclusion :-

You’ll get a thank you message and a declaration that you request has been submitted and they’ll contact you soon regarding you account reset issue.

So, kindly check your email on daily basis and you will receive a message from twitter and they will ask you some details which must prove that you are genuine user of that profile and if you fulfilled their questions with your correct answer’s then for sure they’ll reset your twitter password.

I hope this article on how to reset Twitter password without email or phone number helps you.