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How To Make 1 Inch Margins On Google Docs

🕐 1 Jul 23

How To Make 1 Inch Margins On Google Docs

In this article we will show you how to make 1 inch margins on google docs, in Google Docs you can easily set the margins with just a few clicks. Margins Can be defined as the empty column between the content of the document and the page edges.

The default margin offered by Google Docs is of one inch on both sides of the page but a user can easily change the margin at their own convenience.

In case you are looking for a solution on how to make one's margins in Google Docs,

This In case you are looking for a solution on how to make one-inch margins in Google Docs this is the right article for you.

Step By Step Guide On How To Make 1 Inch Margins On Google Docs :-

  1. Open Google Docs on your PC.
  2. Make sure you are logged in to your account. In case I do not log you in to your account simply enter your valid email id along with your password.
  3. Select the specific document where you want to adjust margins in Google Docs.
  4. The menu bar of Google Docs comprises various tabs including file, edit, view, insert, format, tools, add-ons, and help.
  5. Click the file tab from the menu bar.
  6. The file Tab displays various options including share, new, open, Rename. Move. Add shortcuts to drive, publish to the web, document details, version history, make available offline, page setup, and other options.
  7. Select page setup from the following options of the file tab.

    How To Make 1 Inch Margins On Google Docs

  8. A page setup dialogue box will appear on your screen which comprises options for orientation, page size, page color, and margin.
  9. Under the margin section, you can change each margin by simply tapping the box and entering the value of 1 in Each of the margin fields.

    How To Make 1 Inch Margins On Google Docs

  10. It displays the margins in inches in Google Docs. After entering the new measurement simply click ok placed at the bottom of the dialogue box.
  11. In case you want to set the current measurement as the default margin you can also click the option of the set as default. It marked the default margins of Google docs up to one on each side of the page.

Conclusion :-

I hope this article on how to make 1 inch margins on google docs helps you in this article, we covered an essential guide and this article also highlights how you can set the current measurement of the margin as the default margins.

The concept of a one-inch margin is a common need for the various institutions as it is the common margin size that makes the procedure of writing the content easily without manipulating the length requirement.