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How To Find Administrator Password Windows 10 Using Command Prompt

🕐 1 Jul 23

How To Find Administrator Password Windows 10 Using Command Prompt

In this article we will show you how to find administrator password windows 10 using command prompt, as humans, we tend to forget our passwords and that become really uneasy for us. But you see forgetting the password of your operating systems is not easy to recover.

It can get messy as you may get something very urgent to do on your laptop or personal computer but your device won’t cooperate. But Windows 10 provides us the chance to find out what are password was easily.

The command prompt of the Window 10 helps you find the password of your administrator account. This article that Talkerstech came up with consists of the solution on how to find your administrator password in Windows 10 using command prompt.

Now is the time to learn and grow as fast as possible and lets learn how to find the administrator password in Windows 10 using command prompt with the steps given below

Step By Step Guide On How To Find Administrator Password Windows 10 Using Command Prompt :-

  1. Open your laptop or personal computer of which you want to find the password of the administrator.
  2. For using the command prompt, you have to first run it on your screen. It is one easy task. Click “Windows” + R in order to open the run bar which allows us to start with command prompt.
  3. In the Open section, where there is a space to fill in something, write “CMD”. This is a short form for “Command”. Once you have written this, you have to click the “OK” button in order to open the Command Prompt tab.

    How To Find Administrator Password Windows 10 Using Command Prompt

  4. Once the Command Prompt bar is open, you have to write “net user” and press Enter to generate the details of the administrator account. But the password portion will not be showcased with this command.

    How To Find Administrator Password Windows 10 Using Command Prompt

  5. Once the information is in front of you, you have to put the command “net user administrator /random (only one space)” and press Enter once again. As soon as you press enter, you receive more information about the administrator account along with the password if there is one.

    How To Find Administrator Password Windows 10 Using Command Prompt

Conclusion :-

This is how you find the password of an administrator account in Windows 10 using command prompt. I hope this article on how to find administrator password windows 10 using command prompt helps you.