How To Delete Search History On iPhone Search Bar
🕐 1 Jul 23
In this article we will show you how to delete search history on iPhone search bar, there can be several reasons for clearing the history of the iPhone clearing the search history on the iPhone makes the working mechanism of the iPhone easy and faster.
The backlog of old cookies and other information runs slower and also hamper the downloading speed if the data is old.
In such cases, it is important to clear the Google search history on iPhone. the procedure of clearing the Google search history on the iPhone is a quick and easy method.
In the iPhone, there is a simple procedure for clearing individual search history items as well as deleting the search history e of larger pieces.
In case you are looking for a solution on how to delete search history on the iPhone search bar, this is the right article for you.
Step By Step Guide On How To Delete Search History On iPhone Search Bar :-
- Open Chrome on your iPhone.
- Click the menu icon placed at the bottom right corner of the screen. it is represented by three dots.
- A pop-up menu will appear on your screen with will show options name reload, new tab, new incognito tab, bookmark, reading list, recent tabs, history, setting, read later, and others.
- Click the options- history from the pop-up menu.
- A new page will appear on your screen which will show all the websites that you have recently visited. It will display the name of the site along with the date day and time.
- Select the site that you want to delete from the search bar. When you select the site, select the check mark next to the site.
- Now click on the option- delete placed at the bottom left corner of the screen.
- This will help to clear the history of the individual site on Chrome on iPhone.
- Case you want to delete your entire search history, click the setting apps.
- Now select the application- safari.
- A new page will appear on your screen which will show various options for page zoom, camera, microphone, location, clear history website data, and others.
- Click the option- clear history and website data.
- A pop-up box will appear on your screen which will Inform you that clearing will remove history cookies and other browsing data. It also informs the user that it will clear history from the device is signed into their iCloud account.
- Click the option of clear history and data. This will delete all the history from your iOS device.
Conclusion :-
I hope this article on how to delete search history on iPhone search bar helps you in this article, we covered an essential guide and the steps mentioned above are quite detailed and easy to follow.