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How To Delete Google Search Bar History

🕐 1 Jul 23

How To Delete Google Search Bar History

In this article we will show you how to delete google search bar history, by default, the web browser displays the suggestions when you search for a specific term in the address bar in Google.

It can suggest site URL from the browsing history or from bookmark favorite or popular search results.

Whenever a user searches for a specific term in Google, it saves the search term and displays them in a drop-down list so that it is convenient for the user to search for another similar term in the future.

The history of the Google drop-down is not saved by Google. it is saved as part of the internet browser search history.

The procedure for deleting the Google search by history depends on the type of browser used by the user can be internet explorer, Firefox, or chrome.

Step By Step Guide On How To Delete Google Search Bar History :-

  1. Open Chrome on your system. Make sure you are logged in to your account. In case it does not log you into your account simply enter your valid email id along with your password.
  2. After successfully logging into your account type the term that you want to search in the search bar of the Google Chrome homepage.
  3. Now you can use the keyboard Arrow keys for the mouse cursor in order to search the URL that you want to delete from Google search bar history.
  4. As you can see in the picture given below the URL is highlighted and you just need to click the option remove placed next to the highlighted option.

    How To Delete Google Search Bar History

  5. The selected URL is deleted from the Google search bar history.

You can also clear the browser history that also deletes the entire search bar history. in order to do so follow the steps given below.

  1. Open Google Chrome on your Windows 10.
  2. Make sure you are logged into your account.
  3. Now click The 3 dots placed at the top right corner of the screen. These three dots represent the menu option.
  4. A drop-down list will appear on your screen with will show various options named new tab, new incognito window, history, downloads, bookmarks, zoom, print, cast, find, more tools, edit, settings, help, and exit.
  5. Select the option of settings from the drop-down list.
  6. Select the option of tools. Now select Clear browsing data.

    How To Delete Google Search Bar History

  7. You need to choose the amount of history that you want to clear in the obliterate the following items from the drop-down list.

    How To Delete Google Search Bar History

  8. Select the box placed next to clear browsing history. Tap clear data placed at the bottom of the dialogue box.

    How To Delete Google Search Bar History

Conclusion :-

I hope this article on how to delete google search bar history helps you in this article, we covered an essential guide and the steps and methods mentioned above are easy to follow.