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How To Crack Administrator Password In Windows 10

🕐 1 Jul 23

How To Crack Administrator Password In Windows 10

In this article we will show you how to crack administrator password in windows 10, we believe in putting legal hacks for your devices as we believe in clean work. In Windows 10, cracking the administrator password is really easy and normal.

All you have to do is have some basic knowledge on how to use the Command Prompt.

This article involves working with the Command Prompt that is very basic and is found in-built in your laptop or computer that has Windows 10 as their operating system.

We are fully that not every is taught how to use such prompt software as it is the latest operating system in the tech world.

But at TalkersTech, we believe in helping our readers with such problems where they can learn the updates or some basic features. We have to cope up with the changing world and its norms. We have learn the ways of life and technology but with our own pace.

This article will be helping you detailed information and steps on how to crack administrator account and change it password legally with one of the easiest steps.

You have to focus and go step wise. Be patient as it is going to take your less than 10 minutes but we have received our result, you find it one of the easiest hacks available on the internet.

So let us now follow the given steps below and crack the password within few minutes

Step By Step Guide On How To Crack Administrator Password In Windows 10 :-

  1. Launch the Command Prompt in your laptop or computer that has Windows 10 as its operating system. You can either search on your laptop as CMD or you can open with keywords “WINDOWS + R” and run the CMD option in the given space.

    How To Crack Administrator Password In Windows 10

  2. Once your Command Prompt is open, you have to write “net user” and it will provide you the details of the accounts in the operating system.

    How To Crack Administrator Password In Windows 10

  3. Look for the account whose password you want to change and then you have type the command in this format “net user Username newpassword”. So if I want to change the account BAM password, I will write “net user BAM imbam” where imbam is the new password and press “Enter”. Wait for the response “The command completed successfully” which indicates that the password is changed or cracked.

    How To Crack Administrator Password In Windows 10

  4. As this is done, you are supposed to restart your laptop or computer and see if the account is working with the same account.

Conclusion :-

As you can see the password is changed and it took less than 5 minutes, it is a useful crack. I hope this article on how to crack administrator password in windows 10 helps you.