How To Clear Watch History On Netflix
🕐 1 Jul 23
In this article we will show you how to clear watch history on Netflix, Netflix is one of the most popular and widely used online streaming apps that allows you to watch your favorite and all the latest movies and TV shows with the comfort of your home.
It is in operations in over 190 countries all over the world. The contents of the site vary from one country to another depending on the preferences of the audience.
In India, for instance, you will find movies and shows from all industries, whether from the down south to Marathi movies, etc.
Netflix is an app that saves and analyses your viewing activity to make your user experience seamless and more interesting.
It shows you the most relevant suggestions, your most viewed type of content, etc.
It also records all your watch history. Like on all other platforms, there can be several instances where you would want to clear the watch history of your Netflix account.
If you wish to know how this can be done, you have come to the right place.
In this article, we will see how you can clear the watch history on Netflix in just a few quick and easy steps just follow the step-by-step procedure and you will be done in no time.
Step By Step Guide On How To Clear Watch History On Netflix :-
- The first thing that you need to do is open the Netflix account on a device of your preference.
- You can do it on your desktop, mobile phone or TV.
- For the purpose of this article, we will see how this can be done on the mobile phone app.
- From the App tray, click on the ‘Netflix’ app icon.
- This will bring you to the homepage of the app where you would be asked to choose a profile to open.
- Click on the profile icon you wish to access and this will take you to a new page.
- On the top right corner, you will see the profile icon. Click on it to proceed ahead.
- In the next page, choose the ‘Account’ option from the list of options available.
- This will take you to a new page via a link.
- Scroll down and under the ‘Profile and parental controls’ heading, choose the profile and from the drop-down list, click on the ‘View’ icon next to the ‘Viewing activity’ option.
- Now you will be able to see all the recently watched titles.
- To remove these, simply click on the circular icon located to the right of each title.
- Within 24 hours, the title will be removed from your viewed titles.
Conclusion :-
I hope this article on how to clear watch history on Netflix helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.
This is how you can clear the watch history of your Netflix account using the information and steps given above.
This will help you restart your account afresh in terms of the recommendations and suggestions that the platform gives you.
It will also help remove content titles that you are no longer interested in watching, etc.