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How To Change Administrator Password In Windows 10 Using Command Prompt

🕐 1 Jul 23

How To Change Administrator Password In Windows 10 Using Command Prompt

In this article we will show you how to change administrator password in windows 10 using command prompt, when the world is moving fast, we will have to cope up with it and make sure we are not leaving behind.

It may be cool to stay old fashioned way but it is necessary to learn how to use the current day technology. Windows 10 is our present and it is one of the well-designed operating systems. We all must learn the basics in order to cope with this fast world.

At present everything is online, from your favorite restaurant to your school. There is nothing that is not online if you search it on Google. Learning one of the easiest and accessible systems should be our priority.

One must know the meaning and usage of command prompt on Windows 10. Today we are going to learn how to change the administrator password in Windows 10 using command prompt.

It is useful is by any chance you get locked out of your windows 10 computer and had to change your password of administrator account. We will be learning how to use ways to reset and change the password of your administrator account on Windows 10 and that also with the help of command prompt.

The steps given below will help you solve your problem and change the administrator password with the help of command prompt.

Step By Step Guide On How To Change Administrator Password In Windows 10 Using Command Prompt :-

  1. Open your Windows 10 by turning the power on of your laptop or personal computer.
  2. In order to open the command prompt, you have to open the bar prompt bar first with the help of two keys. Click on “Windows” + R. this “R” also stands for “run” and once you have done that, a run taskbar will open in the left bottom corner of your screen.
  3. In this taskbar, you have to write “CMD” in front of the “OPEN” section and then click on “OK” in order to open the command prompt.

    How To Change Administrator Password In Windows 10 Using Command Prompt

  4. Type "net user username new-password" to change user password for Windows 10 of the administrator account. For example: net user talkerstech talkerspvt. This is one of the easiest ways to do it.

    How To Change Administrator Password In Windows 10 Using Command Prompt

  5. Once this is done, you are supposed to press Enter and we ensure you that the administrator password is changed now.

Conclusion :-

Working with Windows 10 is not that hard. We hope that our article on how to change the administrator password in Windows 10 using command prompt was easy and helpful to you.

We know that coping up with the technology is not easy but we will help you solve these tiny problems now and always I hope this article on how to change administrator password in windows 10 using command prompt helps you.