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The Growth of AI in Education - How Intelligent Tools Helps Students

Last Updated : Jun 17, 2023

The Growth of AI in Education - How Intelligent Tools Helps Students

With the rapid advancement of technology, artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly prevalent in many areas, including education.

AI tools offer a range of benefits that can help students learn more effectively and efficiently.

In this article, we will explore the growth of AI in education and how intelligent tools are helping students achieve their academic goals.

How Intelligent Education Tools Help Students?

Some intelligent educational tools help students in the following ways:

1. Helps Stimulating Creativity

Intelligent AI tools help students in stimulating creativity by providing them assistance in different academic-related tasks. Let us explain how.

For example, there are several AI-based content generation tools and one popular among them is ChatGPT.

It allows students to get innovative ideas about their specific assignment topic or research paper.

Getting familiar with multiple ideas for a single topic will inspire students to think more creatively.

Not just this, ChatGPT also helps students in generating information for academic-related tasks.

This will further allow them to come up with inspiring perspectives to show off their level of creativity.

Getting creative ideas and detailed information about their academic tasks will help students in coming up with well-written assignments/research papers.

But sometimes, there are chances that even after getting innovative ideas and useful information, students may find that their written work is not as creative as it should be.

This may be because the students aren’t able to utilize appropriate sentence structure and creative words/phrases that make their writing creative.

Fortunately, there are also different AI-powered paraphrasing tools available that help students to make their content more creative.

One such popular tool is which rephrases the input text in a number of ways while retaining its actual intent.

It provides a new version of the original text by altering sentence structure and changing words with creative synonyms.

That means every time students paraphrase their text using the tool, they will get different results that are creative in and of themselves, but they can also inspire creativity in the students.

Overall, by stimulating creativity through AI tools, students can experience many benefits such as increased problem-solving skills, enhanced self-confidence, ability to think outside the box, etc.

2. Improve student’s writing skills

Students writing often contain grammatical and punctuation errors such as incorrect use of verb tense, poor sentence structure, etc.

These errors will not only make their written content less credible but can also lead to miscommunication or confusion.

This is where intelligent grammar-checking tools come in handy. They help students in identifying errors in their written text which helps them to avoid mistakes in their academic work.

Apart from detecting grammatical and spelling errors, these tools also provide appropriate suggestions to fix them. This further contributes to improved writing skills and quality also.

For example, there are several AI-based grammar-checking tools available, and one accurate in this regard is

The checker quickly analyzes the input text for all kinds of grammatical errors and then highlights those errors for students’ ease.

This will allow students to get familiar with common errors and also with grammar rules. The tool also provides useful suggestions to fix the highlighted errors.

Not just this, AI-powered tools are also improving students writing skills by providing real-time feedback on their writing.

The feedback includes the complexity of sentences, length of sentences, use of passive voice, etc.

To demonstrate better, there is a popular AI-powered tool named that analyzes the given text for complexity and then provides real-time suggestions to improve it.

The tool also provides a readability meter that calculates the readability of the input text based on this quality.

This feature will help students to determine flaws and issues in their writing and then try to overcome them.

3. Helping in vocabulary building

Having a good vocabulary is a bonus skill for students. This is because it allows them to deliver their thoughts and ideas more clearly and effectively.

Fortunately, with the introduction of AI tools, students can improve vocabulary skills without going through the dictionary.

There are numerous AI-powered vocabulary-building tools available on the internet that allows students to get familiar with new words and phrases.

These tools work by providing relevant synonyms for the entered word or phrase.

This will allow students to expand their vocabulary and make their written assignments more interesting. A reliable vocabulary-building tool that can be useful in this regard is

Apart from these vocabulary-building tools, some AI-powered text rewriting tools can also help students in expanding their vocabulary bank

One popular AI tool for this purpose is This tool provides new words in students’ writeups by replacing some words with their appropriate synonyms.

This will not only contribute to the increased vocabulary but also enhances students’ ability to contextual understanding.

Overall, with the introduction of AI-powered vocabulary building and rewriting tools, students can expand their vocabulary to effectively deliver their thoughts and ideas.

4. Allows students to achieve uniqueness in their writing

One of the most prominent issues that students need to face is the risk of submitting plagiarized assignments/research papers.

And the issue of plagiarism is now becoming more common due to the availability of information on the Internet.

Plagiarism in assignments or research can have severe consequences for students. The consequences can be damaged academic reputation, low grades/marks, or suspension from the educational institute.

That’s why, it is crucial for students to only submit work that is unique and plagiarism.

However, the problem is, no matter if a student has written an assignment or research paper using their own words, there are still chances that the assignment may contain some sentences or paragraphs that contain accidental plagiarism.

This is because there is so much information already available on the internet.

So, after writing assignments/research papers, it is good for students to check them for plagiarism to ensure uniqueness.

Fortunately, the plagiarism detection process can be efficiently performed with the help of AI-powered plagiarism-checking tools.

With the availability of different AI-powered plagiarism detection tools, it may be difficult for students to use the right tool.

To save time and effort for students, we have found one reliable and accurate plagiarism detection tool named

The checker scans the student’s work by comparing it with billions of online resources and then highlights the plagiarized text (if any).

This allows students to make sure that the academic work they are submitting is unique or not.

Final Words :-

In conclusion, the growth of AI in education has brought about significant improvements in the learning experience of students.

Intelligent tools such as chatbots, personalized learning platforms, and virtual tutors have made learning more accessible, engaging, and effective.

As AI continues to evolve, we can expect even more advancements in education that will transform the way we teach and learn.