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Rocket Content Review - A Must Try Content Agency Service

Last Updated On Monday, Jun 19, 2023 | Written By - Mudit Jain

Productivity Tool

Rocket Content Review - A Must Try Content Agency Service

Ingeniously combining AI writing and human editing, Rocket Content is a content writing service that helps site owners and agencies create high quality content at scale.

Using human editors in combination with AI tools can be a smart concept because it can generate content at a much faster rate than traditional writing methods.

This is exactly what Rocket Content focuses on. You can rely on this service even if you are not a professional editor or content strategist - it’s built for anyone that has a need for content at scale.

The platform's main distinctive feature is its capacity to produce high-caliber material that is perfectly suited for SEO.

About Rocket Content :-

Rocket Content Review

In order to create material for your blog or social media, Rocket Content uses AI writing tools in conjunction with a human editor.

A highly skilled human writer and Rocket Content’s writing tools work together to increase the likelihood that the material they create will rank.

This human writer-AI combination works well because although AI tools can generate content, there still needs to be a human editing layer involved.

We all know that AI content has it’s flaws - it doesn’t always flow well, the grammar can be questionable at times, and it requires restructuring.

This is what distinguishes Rocket Content from other AI tools - they incorporate human editors to elevate content to publish-ready levels.

In comparison to products that just use AI, they will produce content with a shorter turnaround time and higher quality. For instance, Rocket Content can generate 1,000 publish-ready articles within 1-2 months whereas a traditional content agency may take up to a year.

If you need content at a large scale but do not want to completely rely on AI, Rocket Content is a terrific option to meeting your content needs.

Creating content at scale is extremely time-consuming - so handing over your content needs to Rocket Content allows site owners and businesses to focus on other important brand-building and marketing tasks.

Rocket Content Features Overview :-

Rocket Content Review

Rocket Content handles everything from start to finish when it comes to your content needs. Here are the key Rocket Content features:

  • AI-powered content creation using human input: Their human content creators undergo comprehensive training to employ the most cutting-edge AI writing & SEO tools. This results in efficient content at scale that ranks quickly! You can check out some of the case studies in the next section.
  • Using Modern SEO and AI writing tools: AI content-writing software uses the most recent developments in artificial intelligence (GPT-5) to produce human-like articles. When creating your content, the Rocket Content team uses programs like Ahrefs, Jasper, Surfer, MarketMuse, Frase, SEMRush, and Copyscape.
  • Packages optimized by SurferSEO for better SEO: With the SurferSEO services, they ensure that all of your articles have been SurferSEO scanned and are performing well. This guarantees your content to rank for the target keywords.
  • Using the Copyscape originality plagiarism checker: The text is highly rankable, scannable (sub-headings are human-created), and reasonably readable with good grammar.
  • Publishing custom images on your website: Rocket Content excels to the fullest! Creating unique blog images, formatting them correctly for SEO, and even including your affiliate links with the right CTA (call to action).
  • Keyword analysis and keyword planning: By evaluating your website with less strong linked websites, they develop their launch strategy.

Rocket Content Case Studies:

Case Study #1:

Rocket Content Review

  • Rocket Content created over 100 articles for this site between April - June
  • Traffic and keyword rankings started to increase at the end of May and have been steadily growing since then
  • Traffic went from almost 0 to 173/month and keyword rankings tripled up to 600+

Case Study #2:

Rocket Content Review

  • Rocket Content has written over 200 articles for this website between January - August
  • It is a news site so some content is written by us and some by the client’s own team
  • We started to see solid growth in traffic and keywords up until June, then it took a dip (most likely due to May Google update)
  • However, traffic and keywords are back up and growing steadily
  • Traffic went from ~500/month to 1,500/month
  • Keyword rankings have more than tripled and are now at 3,600+ keywords

Case Study #3:

Rocket Content Review

  • Rocket Content has written 100 articles between April - July
  • The site owner produces their own content on the site. Rocket Content helped create some new clusters
  • There was no dip in traffic after the May Google update and has been steadily increasing since we’ve worked on it
  • Traffic was hovering around 5k/month and is now at 8.3k/month
  • Keyword rankings have almost doubled in 4 months going from ~4k to 7.6k

Case Study #4:

Rocket Content Review

  • Rocket Content has written 100 articles for this site between May and July
  • Traffic was stagnant and we decided to focus on question posts around the niche (informational, short posts)
  • Traffic has grown steadily since June
  • It was around 200/month when we started and is now at 2,300/month
  • Keyword rankings were ~1,000 and have now more than doubled at 2,200
  • Focused on low competition, low volume keywords to expand the categories and now the client can continue down this path with the supporting content we’ve created

Rocket Content Advantages :-

Rocket Content Review

Keyword Research

Rocket Content's keyword research is one of the most outstanding components. Before they begin writing any content, a Content Manager will reach out and go over your website with you. From there, the Rocket Content team will research and find keywords and topics that suit your niche best - this ensures that each article is targeting the correct keyword and audience. A full content plan is included with every plan.

Editing Integrated

To make the AI output more similar to human standards, editing is needed. The Rocket Content team will ensure that all content is thoroughly reviewed, edited, and structured properly. Once the content is published and ranking on your site, you can then go back and update it as needed to boost rankings.

Fully Managed Solution

Rocket Content offers a fully managed solution to all of their clients. This means a Content Manager handling all of your content and being your main point of contact; keyword research, ideation and planning; writing and editing; and publishing articles directly to your site (with images, links, etc).


Regardless of how many articles or words you need, their pricing options are very flexible and cost-efficient.

Rocket Content: How Does It Work?

Rocket Content Review

Keyword research, content creation, and content publication are the three main aspects of writing projects that Rocket Content focuses on.

After you select your package, a Content Manager will reach out to get you started. They will first start by reviewing your website and going over some initial questions to get a better scope of what your needs are.

From there, the Rocket Content team will conduct the keyword research and build a customized content plan for you, outlining all of the keywords and articles that will be written. Once those are reviewed and approved by you, then a schedule will be laid out and content production will begin.

Content will be delivered to you either directly via Word Documents or uploaded to your site as drafts based on the content schedule. If any issues arise, your Content Manager will ensure they are addressed.

If you are an affiliate blogger, the team will even include your affiliate links in the articles during the publishing process.

Your Content Manager will keep you updated throughout the process and track content production accordingly.

Who Can Benefit from Rocket Content?

Rocket Content is a great solution for anyone looking to create content at scale, without sacrificing quality or cost. Here’s who it can work for:

  • Affiliate or niche website owners: As a site owner, creating content is your number one priority and doing it yourself is very time-consuming. With Rocket Content, you can scale production quickly, see what ranks well, and continue building out your strategy from there.
  • Online business owners: As a business owner, you have a list of priorities to keep things running smoothly, however content production falls by the wayside. Using Rocket Content can take the hassle off your hands while still producing content on a monthly basis to rank for keywords in your industry.
  • E-commerce sites: Many e-commerce websites have thousands of pages that require content, whether it’s blog content, informational content, or product descriptions. This can be extremely time-consuming. Rocket Content’s team can handle this from start to finish, while even making sure the content is uploaded properly to your site.

Rocket Content Plans & Pricing Overview :-

Rocket Content Review

The three packages offered by Rocket Content are Test Flight, Moon Mission, and Mars Mission. Each of these packages are available with or without SurferSEO optimization.

We highly recommend always choosing the SurferSEO options, as this allows your content to be optimized properly for the target keywords and increases SEO value.

Rocket Content's straightforward price structure ensures that every package receives the same level of service while providing you the flexibility to choose the number of words or articles you wish to purchase.

This means that whether you choose to purchase 10,000 words (Test Flight) or 1,000,000 words (Mars Mission), you will receive all the same amenities like keyword analysis, SEO optimization, images, and more.

It is a reasonably simple and hassle-free pricing strategy.


Although Rocket Content does not offer a free trial, its website includes examples of the articles they write. If you need to see more samples, you can reach out to the team via the site.

The following packages are available for you to pick from, depending on your needs:

Test Flight 10,000 words - For $220, or around $0.022 per word, you can get 10,000 words, or 10 articles, as part of the Test Flight package.

Moon Mission 100,000 words

That cost per word is reduced by the Moon Mission to $0.015 for 100 articles at $1,500, or nearly half.

Mars Mission 1,000,000 words

1,000 articles are available from the Mars Mission for $13,000, or $0.013 per word. You will now need to have finished either a Test Flight or Moon Mission order before choosing Mars.

Rocket Content gives every article a default word count of around 1,000.

However, you do have the choice to alter the articles' length, which is why both word and article counts are displayed.

In fact, you pay by the word. With this format, you have the freedom to shorten or extend your articles. You can even tailor the packages to meet your needs. If you need a custom quote, just reach out to our Manager, Osama at You can check more about their pricing and plans here.

Conclusion :-

If you run a blog or own a website and need to produce a lot of content quickly, Rocket Content is the perfect solution for you.

You can quickly start ranking within 2 to 6 months with the proper keywords.

Then, it would not take long for Google to provide you with the relevant authority, for you to begin gaining organic backlinks, drive thousands of page views worth of visitors, and begin earning money from advertising and affiliate marketing.

In order to produce the greatest content for your marketing and other needs, it is a smart idea to blend human efforts with the best outcomes of AI writing tools.

If you're interested in their services, get in touch with the company to request article examples and sample projects so you can better understand how the content writing company operates!!