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Blueticks Review - Why This Is One Of The Best WhatsApp Schedulers

Last Updated On Sunday, Apr 9, 2023 | Written By - Mudit Jain

Productivity Tool

Blueticks Review - Why This Is One Of The Best WhatsApp Schedulers

There was a time when WhatsApp was used only to chat with friends and family. As a matter of fact, the concept of social media is to connect with family and friends.

However, the concept still exists today, but with some add-ons, such as businesses now interacting through social media. By 2015, Facebook and Insta quickly became the houses of businesses.

Thankfully, WhatsApp was still residing in the other town until Facebook decided to purchase it.

Soon after that, WhatsApp started integrating multiple features, and now it is on its way to becoming a social hub for businesses.

Considering the amazing opportunity and with tough competition on other platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, brands are in a race to leverage this platform that is used by more than a billion users.

Nowadays, we can find more business accounts than regular accounts. Every major brand is now interacting with users on WhatsApp.

However, WhatsApp is still far behind its competitors in terms of becoming an efficient hub for brands.

Problems such as automatic scheduling and insta-like feed still need to be implemented. Luckily, some software allows you to schedule your business messages on WhatsApp. One of the best tool is Blueticks.

We have considered it one of the best for multiple reasons, such as pricing factors, efficiency, etc. Let’s explore more about in detail.

What Is Blueticks?

Blueticks Review

There are a lot of different WhatsApp Scheduler tools on the market these days. So, what makes one of the best one?

Well, for starters, is free and easy to use. You can create schedules and reminders very easily without any complex steps.

Secondly, integrates seamlessly with WhatsApp, which means that your schedules and reminders will appear in the app exactly as you created them – no need to switch back and forth between apps.

You also have the option to create campaigns and manage your tasks. Thus, provides an atmosphere that is not only efficient but also helps businesses create an appealing brand on WhatsApp.

However, all these specifications would mean nothing if Blueticks lacked the basic features. Therefore, let’s dive deeper into the features of

Features Of Blueticks :-

The features of any business represent its importance. Without unique features, a business might not be able to attract users.

Features of a brand or business work as a solution to users' problems. Therefore, it is crucial to provide value to the users. Here are some of the features Blueticks offers to its users.

Easy To Use Dashboard

You might be wondering how your coils schedule messages. With an effective and easy-to-use dashboard, you have the option to schedule messages within a minute.

The dashboard comes with all the necessary options you need to schedule messages, such as lists of contacts, their first and last names, etc.

Not only that, but you can also import recipients in a CSV file.

Thus, there is no need to manually save contacts in order to include them in the list. You can just create an excel sheet with all the contacts and export them into the software.

Bulk Messages

What if I tell you that you can schedule your messages but can’t send them in bulk? You would go crazy and maybe hit me with something, right? Well, thankfully, offers a feature to send messages in bulk.

No limit, no cap, pure bulk. Therefore, you can schedule messages for as many people as you want and as you can.

Thus, you don’t have to worry about the message limit.

Task Management

Blueticks Review

How about some cherry on top? Task management is a feature that has been implemented to ease everything out.

The main function of task management is to manage tasks. In short, it allows you to create and manage tasks.

Along with that, you can do multiple things, such as adding images or files to your task. Thus, you can manage your tasks according to your requirements with all the available options to customize them.

WhatsApp API

Blueticks Review

Although managing social media pages is fun, it should be noted that CRMs increase productivity.

For those of you who don’t know, CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management software.

These are effective dashboards with all the required tools. With WhatsApp CPI, you can send or receive messages directly to your CRM.

Which will not only help you in doing everything with ease but also offer you a platform to arrange everything.

Thus, with an easy platform and increased productivity, what do you think would be able to work more efficiently and to signup for Blueticks click here.

Advantages Of Blueticks :-

With great features come great advantages. As we now know about some of the features of, we should also know the advantages it brings with it.

Advantages are the aspects that customers love the most. They are not offered separately but these are the values a customer gets with the quality features and services.

Therefore, here are some of the advantages you will get with Blueticks.

Affordable Pricing Structure

Blueticks Review

It starts with a basic free package that includes unlimited messages but one at a time, along with up to four tasks, unlimited campaigns, and email support.

Similarly, the next package is Scheduler, which includes all the mentioned options but with a slight difference; that is, you will get unlimited messages with no limit.

Apart from that, there are two other packages named Manager and Campaigner, starting at 20 and 29 dollars.

With the Manager package, you will get everything unlimited except unlimited tasks, and with Campaigner, you will get a truly unlimited experience.

However, one thing should be noted that these prices are available when you pay yearly.

For monthly, there is a slight increase in prices such as the basic would become a $5 package, Scheduler will stand at $29 and campaigner will reach $49.

However, there is a package that remains the same whether you search for monthly price or yearly i.e. The Free package.

Trusted By Some Of The World-Known Companies

Blueticks Review

A sense of trust is automatically created when the brand/company is trusted by some of the world's best industries. provides services to companies such as Yahoo, depor,, techtudo, and Olhar digital, just to name a few.

Apart from that, there are buckets full of companies leveraging the features of

They have 20k active users with 56k tasks per day and 40k scheduled messages per day.

Best-In-Class Support System

Blueticks Review

Imagine calling customer support rigorously and no one is there to pick up the call. Wouldn’t it be frustrating? Not only is a support system important, but it should be best-in-class. offers some of the best customer support.

You can contact the team via email or you can directly chat with them.

Along with that, the customer support team at is one of the best-qualified teams on this planet. Therefore, you are getting the best customer support on this planet.

Free Forever

Unlike other software that provides a free trial for a limited number of days, Blueticks' free version is free for a lifetime.

Although other websites offer a free trial of their premium versions, Bluticks' free version also contains everything that is included in the premium packages but with a limit.

So, if you don’t want to schedule bulk messages or want to create only limited tasks, then you can download the Chrome extension of Blueticks and leverage the specifications for a lifetime.

Conclusion :-

Businesses are leveraging the potential of WhatsApp in terms of a place to promote products.

Many businesses are including WhatsApp in their list of social media channels. So we will see WhatsApp compete with Facebook and Insta.

And, who knows, we might see ads on WhatsApp just like we experience on Facebook and Instagram.

Therefore, a new brand or a small business should not miss the opportunity to create a brand out of itself with the help of WhatsApp.

You can find many WhatsApp schedulers, but still, after that, you will find Blueticks the best.

The reason? It is user-friendly and comes with the best in business customer support. It allows you to schedule messages even with your CRM and it is completely reliable too.

Thus, there are many reasons to select as your primary WhatsApp scheduler.

Now it all depends on you whether you want to go with Blueticks or you want to constantly switch back and forth between applications with no option to schedule messages.

Blueticks is a world-known company and is regarded as one of the best WhatsApp schedulers in the world.